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eSDScom Conference 2024


08:30 Web dial-in (for online participants)  
09:00 Welcome Dr. Thomas Holtmann, BDI – Federation of German Industries
09:15 eSDScom Recent developments - Version 5.5. and 5.6 Dr. Dirk Henckels, Qualisys
09:45 “eSDScom light” Minimum requirements - first results Thomas Vanfleteren, Cefic
10:00 Tools for data extraction - Recent developments Dr. Sinan Sen, Datalyxt / Markus Ziebert, One Passion
10:45 DPP is a tool to transition to a circular economy - does it also simplify the supply chain communication? Dr. Holger Berg, Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie / Dr. Susanne Guth-Orlowski,
11:30 The Battery Passport - Regulatory overview about relevant passports and implementation in the automotive industry Timo Unger, Hyundai Motor Europe
11:45 The Battery Passport Project - Technical implementation aspects Patrick Gehring, Fraunhofer IPK / Dr. Andreas Schneider, SYSTEMIQ
13:00 A Spotlight on Artificial Intelligence in context with eSDScom Markus Nörtemann, Helasoft / Martin Prinz, coac
13:45 AI beyond the stochastic parrot - Insight into the applicability of different Machine Learning technologies Dr. Markus Skipinski, Business Innovation Consulting
14:45 Will Artificial Intelligence outrule or enhance established standards like XML? Panel Discussion, Moderator: Dr. Anita Hillmer, Volkswagen
15:30 Conclusion and Outlook Dr. Thomas Holtmann, BDI – Federation of German Industries


Sorry, registrations for attendance in Berlin are no longer possible. If you wish to participate online or have questions regarding your booking, please contact us via email.