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eSDScom Is Open

... not only from a license perspective. Feel free to use it (and let us know to get listed), but we are most happy if you contribute your knowledge. "We are meeting on a regulatory basis" ;) 


The Phrase Catalogue

eSDSphrac, the eSDScom phrase catalogue formerly known as EuPhraC or BDI standard phrases, are maintained by a workgroup and published here. Use the proposal tool to browse through the catalogue of available wordings and make proposals, but please follow the guidance.

Contact the workgroup head Anita Hillmer if you have more questions or want to join the workgroup.


The XML Schema

eSDSxml, the data exchange format of eSDScom formerly known as SDScom, is maintained on GitHub where you will also find the releases. Please use/create your account to log in and ask for new features or changes there.

The release manager Dirk Henckels is available for any questions and will add you to the GitHub team upon request.